Teraterm Logopen

TeraTerm 2008.2.29 (Ver 4.58) - Rotating the mouse wheel would supersede the cursor key when the application cursor mode is enabled. added TranslateWheelToCursor entry in teraterm.ini file. The default value is on. added the configuration entry to whether 'New Connection' dialog is shown on TeraTerm startup. TeraTermマクロ Config取得コード例. ファイル名を入れてチェックをしたらOKを押して設定を反映させましょう。, Tera Termの設定は、プログラムのインストールディレクトリにあるTERATERM.INIに保. 実現したいことteratermマクロでログを保存したい。 現状マクロは正常に動いている。マクロ実行中にログダイアログは表示される。ダイアログに表示されているパスは指定したパスと同様。マクロ終了後、C:Program Files (x86)teraterm&#.

A TTL(Tera Term Language) script used for automatic reboot test
; TTL Script used for automatic reboot test
username = 'root'
password = 'root'
usernamePrompt = 'login'
passwordPrompt = 'Password'
oopsPrompt = 'Oops'
panicPrompt = 'Kernel panic'
maxLoop = 1000
gettime now '%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S'#13#10
sprintf2 startTime 'AutoReboot started at %s' now
gettime logfile 'AutoReboot-test-log-%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.txt'
logopen logfile 000000
logwrite startTime
for i 1 maxLoop
wait usernamePrompt oopsPrompt panicPrompt
if result = 0 then
gettime now '%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S'
sprintf2 tempTime 'Exception: Timeout at %s after %d times reboot'#13#10 now i
logwrite tempTime
elseif result = 1 then
sendln username
wait passwordPrompt
sendln password
elseif result = 2 then
gettime now '%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S'
sprintf2 tempTime 'Exception: Oops at %s after %d times reboot'#13#10 now i
logwrite tempTime
elseif result = 3 then
gettime now '%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S'
sprintf2 tempTime 'Exception: Kernel panic at %s after %d times reboot'#13#10 now i
logwrite tempTime
logwrite 'Unknown Error'#13#10
gettime now '%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S'
sprintf2 rebootTime 'AutoReboot %d times at %s'#13#10 i now
dispstr rebootTime
logwrite rebootTime
sendln 'reboot'
gettime now '%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S'
sprintf2 stopTime 'AutoReboot stopped at %s after %d times reboot'#13#10 now i
logwrite stopTime
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Tera Term is easily one of the most powerful free Terminal Emulation Software that I have come across and the power of it lies in its scripting language TTL. Of-course, it is not as extensive and capability rich as Perl but for a non-programmer, a browse through a single help file on TTL language is all it takes to create wonderful scripts that could make his/her life easier in maintaining huge networks.
The capabilities are limitless and if you could find better ways of enhancing the following script, please come forward and do your bit.

The purpose of the script is for terminal configuration of repetitive commands in multiple terminal enabled devices at once but sequentially without human intervention.

The other purpose of the script is to fetch terminal information from multiple terminal enabled devices at once but sequentially without human intervention.

The script is primarily designed for working with Cisco devices which can be configured using terminal emulation and which has a Command Line Interface (CLI).

The execution of the script requires Tera Term Software installed on the user’s computer. The Tera Term software can be downloaded from the following URL:


The Procedure for execution of the script is as follows:

  • Download Tera Term from the above mentioned URL.
  • Unzip and downloaded file and execute the Setup.exe file.
  • Install the Software in a specified destination.
  • Copy the below provided script in the Tera Term directory.
  • The script has an extension of .TTL and can be opened in notepad.
  • Open the file in notepad and change the variable ‘dirname’ in the script to reflect your Tera Term Directory.
  • Make two Text Files in the directory specified by the variable ‘dirname’ by the following names:
Teraterm Logopen



  • Make sure you have telnet access to all the devices you would like to configure.
  • Open the ip.txt file and enter the IP addresses of all the devices for which the configuration needs to be fetched or pushed. Place only one IP address per line.
  • Open the commands.txt file and enter the commands for configuration or commands for fetching configuration from the devices. Please note that the commands need to be compatible on all the devices entered in the ip.txt file. Please put in the commands in sequential order as you would configure the device in the normal circumstances. For eg:

terminal length 0

show running-config

config t

enable secret cisco

Teraterm Logopen


terminal length 24

write memory

  • Please place the commands that are required after authentication is done. The script expects a device prompt (which can be customized easily) by default after authentication. You may change it at any point of time.
  • Execute the file ttpmacro.exe present in the Tera Term directory and select the macro '.ttl’ extension.
  • Please enter the Username for logging into the devices and press OK. Please note the Username and Password prompt would appear only once. The same username and password would be used to login into all the devices.
  • Please enter the password in the Password Prompt Dialog Box and press OK.
  • For Enable Password Authentication Prompt, click yes if you have enable password authentication configured in atleast some of the devices or click no if you don’t have enable password configured in any of the devices.
  • If yes, then provide the enable password to log into all the devices. The password is assumed to be common on all the devices.
  • For the Logging Dialog Box. Click yes if you want to log the output or click no if you don’t want to log the output.
  • If yes, enter the directory in which the logs have to be placed. For eg: If the directory is ‘C:logs’ then enter it in the following format:

Teraterm Logopen Variable Not Initialized


  • Please note that the ‘’ sign is important after you enter the directory path and name.
  • Sit back and relax, as the commands entered in the commands.txt file is executed in every device entered in ip.txt.

P.S.: While fetching configuration from any device like that of Cisco, please make sure to keep the terminal length to zero so that the device prompt appears immediately after the execution of the command.

Teraterm Macro Logopen Timestamp

Please give your feedbacks to make it better.

Teraterm Logopen 保存されない


Teraterm Log Timestamp Flag

Below is the script for use with Tera Term. Just copy & paste the below code in a notepad and save it with a TTL extension.
;Version 3.2 (Untested Beta Version)
;Created on 25/03/2007
;For Tera Term Macro Use Only
;Created originally for Cisco Switch & Routers.
;Customizable script, please feel free to edit it.(In fact you have to edit it)
;For usage, execute ttpmacro.exe and select this script
;Write all the ip addresses in sequential order in a file by the name of 'ip.txt'
;Write all the commands in sequential order in a file by the name of 'commands.txt'
;and place the text files in the directory as set by the 'setdir' keyword.
;Complaints and suggestions for improvement welcome.
;Please feel free to take it to the next level and share it with others.
;Main Script
timeout = 5
dirname = 'E:Program FilesTTERMPRO313'
setdir dirname
fileopen addressfile 'ip.txt' 0
inputbox 'Username:' 'Username Prompt'
Username = inputstr
passwordbox 'Password:' 'Password Prompt'
Password = inputstr
yesnobox 'Is enable password authentication required?' 'Enable Password Question'
if result=0 then
goto jumper1
passwordbox 'Enable Password:' 'Enable Password Prompt'
Enable = inputstr
yesnobox 'Would you like to log the output?' 'Logging'
Logger = result
if Logger = 0 then
goto looper1
inputbox 'Directory path & name followed by ' 'Logging Directory'
loggerpath = inputstr
dirmaker = 'cmd /C md '
strconcat dirmaker loggerpath
exec dirmaker
filereadln addressfile ip
connect ip
if result = 1 then
goto fclose1
wait 'Username:' 'Password:' '>' 'login:'
if result = 0 then
call terminator
goto looper1
elseif result = 1 then
goto jumper4
elseif result = 2 then
goto jumper5
elseif result = 3 then
goto jumper6
elseif result = 4 then
goto jumper4
sendln Username
wait 'Password:'
sendln Password
if Logger = 0 then
goto jumper2
loggerfile = loggerpath
strconcat loggerfile ip
logopen loggerfile 0 0
loggerfile = '
wait '#' '>'
if result = 0 then
call terminator
elseif result = 1 then
call commander
call terminator
elseif result = 2 then
call enabler
call commander
call terminator
goto looper1
fileclose addressfile
;Enabler is a sub-routine which provides enable password authentication.
setdir dirname
sendln 'enable'
wait 'Password:'
sendln Enable
;Commander is a sub-routine which executes the
;commands placed in 'commands.txt' file
setdir dirname
fileopen commandfile 'commands.txt' 0
filereadln commandfile statement
if result goto fclose2
sendln statement
wait '#' '>'
if result = 2 then
goto fclose2
goto looper2
fileclose commandfile
;Terminator is a sub-routine which provides terminal closure and
;passing the control to the main sub-routine for loop completion.
if Logger = 0 then
goto jumper3